It All Starts With A Word

I started my writing journey when I was very young but as I have got older I have realised that that there are two difficult parts to writing (for me).


  1. Starting

  2. Marketing


I will have referred to the marketing side in another section but here I will cover writing in its simplest form.


Firstly, anyone can write a book and lots of people do. Unfortunately the quality of material out there varies hugely and a good book can often get buried. Putting that to one side, you will never get a book published until you actually put pen to paper (or finger to computer I guess). So let’s get started.


I know a lot of authors and every one of us has a different way of writing. Some map out their books like a military campaign with coloured sticky notes on a pin board, character detail and plot lines all in place before they write the first word.


Others, like me, are thinkers. A vague idea for a story pops into our heads (normally about 3am) and we go from there. I am quite happy to fall into this category as it works for me and I create as I go along. The most important thing is to just dump your ideas onto paper. Once they are down there the characters will start to take shape before your very eyes and the plot will literally start to unravel before you. My suggestion is to try not to overthink things. Try not think too far ahead and just go with the flow. It doesn’t matter if you have to rewrite sections, I do this all the time. Also, never underestimate the power of a good developmental editor. If you are self-published its worth investing in this service as a good editor will help you to shape a rough manuscript into a really marketable product. They will work you hard (mine does) but ultimately, this will really improve your writing.




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